Saturday, July 20, 2013


The echoing sounds of events past,
The scorching heat of the known day;
The rattling noise of the future ahead,
The non-succumbing Hope;
All in the making of an epic yet untold.

An acceptance of a kind,
A salvation of another;
To the world of murderers,
A victim of mankind;
Living with the spirit of the Lord unseen.

Trampling through the oaks of time,
Ruminating and pondering of deformation;
Known to the very few,
One in the generation;
Stood on the Precipice-

Belonging to a whole new kind!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


No words of wisdom,
No words of self pity;
But words of truth,
That I never spoke to Thee.

Console I did,
Walked out forever;
Swept past a paradise of mirage,
Content I rest now.

Hoped to see Thee,
I did;
Wished it would have been a little while ago,
With your arms stretched for me.

Some miracles happen,
And I happened to you,
Like you did to me;
And we were never to happen.

I am happy that we are happy,
Some after-life we shall be;
As of now-
I bring a soul whole heartedly,
Who could be,
My ultimate gift to me!