Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"A Little Time..!"

When I have a little time,
I shall undo all my tears;
If I have a little time,
I shall forgo all the pain;
I wish I have a little time,
To listen and care.

Time, O! Time,
Long gone like a feather flown;
Give me a break to breathe my own,
Then think of You in spirit good.

I care not for the wind that blows,
I shall fight the gusts of heat;
I will be one day beside you,
Whispering words of sweet content;
And shelter myself in the cool drops of rain!


  1. Nice poem Kavita ...

    I got reminded of a song "no time" by an old Canadian Rock group called The Guess Who.

    Why no news from you ? Hope all is well ..
    R Ghai

  2. As the clock ticks once again,
    I think of what to do next.

    As I swim, struggle to forward,
    The SEA seems new to me, more vast and flex.

    Tired and emptied, no more strength to stand.
    Well in the name of humanity, I was cursed.

    Now I am Chasing the Mirage.
    But Oasis I must searched.

    Finally I realize, the show must go on.
    Have to work hard.

    Otherwise in no time.
    I may be barred.

    People slay each other, in the name of success.
    We enjoy and encourage, "Life is a RACE, Let IT BE SO".

    The time is near friend, when a baby will born.
    And the mother will say, GO! GO! GO!.
